


On August 12th, the series "Go For It, Teenager" debuted with five episodes on Youku. Starring Xie Xingyang and Yimina among others, this drama delves into the world of high school, a familiar setting for many. While the themes in these types of shows tend to be similar, there's always something about revisiting our youth that resonates with audiences.


"Go For It, Teenager" takes an interesting approach by presenting the story from the perspective of a struggling student, exploring how he forms friendships with top students, love interests, and close buddies. This angle adds a layer of relatability and humor, as viewers can connect with the protagonist’s journey beyond just academic success. After all, while the top students are often portrayed as solely focused on their studies, the rest of us had other things on our minds—like navigating relationships.

The climax of any high school drama is inevitably the college entrance examination. Every student must face this challenge, which means putting in the effort to excel academically. In "Go For It, Teenager," the top students maintain their impressive grades, while the protagonist, despite his initial struggles, starts to catch up. This narrative arc, where the underdog rises, is a staple of feel-good TV shows.

However, it's worth noting that such dramatic turnarounds are less common in real life. Struggling students don't typically achieve overnight success; their challenges are usually more deeply rooted. Many high school dramas gloss over this reality, opting instead for more uplifting stories. Yet, in actual schools, late bloomers often find themselves at a disadvantage due to a lack of foundational knowledge.


When it comes to romance, "Go For It, Teenager" follows the usual formula, offering only hints of budding relationships. Parents and teachers would likely frown upon teenage romances given the pressures of the college entrance exam. As such, the show keeps these elements subtle, which might appeal to its intended audience of young teens who can relate to the innocent feelings of first love.

The lead character in "Go For It, Teenager" hails from a wealthy family, living in a luxurious villa with a rich father. This setup is typical of many domestic dramas, which often avoid depicting poverty. High school dramas, in particular, tend to present a glossy version of reality. The reason? Viewers in this age group prefer escapism over gritty realism.

This creates a cycle where the target demographic isn't exposed to more grounded narratives, making it harder for them to appreciate such stories later on. As they grow older, they may gravitate towards fantasy or idol dramas, further distancing themselves from the harsher realities of life. Quality television should aim to balance entertainment with meaningful storytelling, but not everyone is ready to confront such weighty issues.

One of the key draws of "Go For It, Teenager" is its comedic moments. The show manages to deliver a decent amount of laughs, which is crucial for a high school comedy. Audiences tend to be forgiving of these shows, and the youthful cast often brings a refreshing authenticity to the humor.

In conclusion, "Go For It, Teenager" caters well to its intended audience of current high school students. Its release during summer break is apt, offering a light-hearted escape. However, the genre as a whole often falls short in terms of realism. This series doesn't break the mold, presenting a high school experience that feels more like a fantasy than reality. Despite this, it remains a comforting watch for those still in the midst of their own school years.

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